24 Oct 2012

My walkman

hey !
I always wanted a walkman 
(i dont know if you call them walkman too,it is a cassette player)
and one day i asked my mum where to get one of them ,
and she told me that she have one .... yay
so she give it to me .
My dad had a lot of old cassetts and now i´m listening to them all the time.

the music is by my dads band !
look @ this GIF animation i did .
 Don´t worry the DIY diary video will come soon ,
i have to upload it on youtube because its too long !

have a nice day 
and sorry for some writing mistakes 

i got the rookie yearbook one yesterday 
but i will post a post about that soon :)


  1. Amazing POST!! love it keep onr doing so lovely POSTS <3
    ich liebe dich Mulli


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